Embedded Systems

Digital Design and Synthesis of Embedded Systems

Dozent Oliver Bringmann
Oliver Bringmann

Vorlesung Tuesday, 10 c.t. - 12 o'clock
Übungsleitung Patrick Schmid
Patrick Schmid

Übungsgruppe TBA
Kursart Lecture + Exercises (6 LP)
Modulnummer INF4312
Eintrag im Kurskatalog Alma
Lernplattform Link


Over the past decade, embedded systems have played a significant role in shaping advancements in data, communication, and automotive technologies, becoming a fundamental part of daily life. This lecture focuses on the specific hardware aspects of embedded systems. Topics covered include IC technologies for embedded systems, hardware design methodologies, modeling concepts, and simulation techniques using hardware description languages.

The lecture also addresses communication between processes and modules within a chip, introduces different synchronization methods, and explores practical on-chip bus systems. A central focus is on automated circuit synthesis from hardware description languages such as SystemVerilog, as well as software programming languages like C/C++.

Initially, the lecture covers register-transfer synthesis, logic synthesis, and technology mapping. This is followed by an introduction to architectural synthesis (high-level synthesis) and fundamental algorithms for cycle-accurate scheduling and resource binding. Students will learn to use hardware description languages such as SystemVerilog to model and simulate embedded systems. These skills are further applied and reinforced through independent work in practical exercises.

Topics of this lecture:

  1. Design Perspectives of Embedded Systems
  2. Hardware Description Language (SystemVerilog)
  3. Digital Design Concepts
  4. High-Level-Synthesis
  5. Register-Transfere-Synthesis
  6. Technology Mapping
  7. Chip-Planning and Algorithms


  • O. Bringmann, W. Lange, M. Bogdan: Eingebettete Systeme: Entwurf, Synthese und Edge AI, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 4. überarbeitete Auflage, 2022.
  • J. Teich, C. Haubelt: Digitale Hardware/Software-Systeme: Synthese und Optimierung; Springer 2007.
  • G. De Micheli: Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits. McGraw-Hill, 1994.
  • A. Kahng, J. Lienig, I. Markov, J. Hu: VLSI Physical Design: From Graph Partitioning to Timing Closure 2001
  • N. Weste, D. Harris: CMOS VLSI Design A Circuits And Systems Perspective 2010